Dennis Fong

An image of me.

Hi! I'm a fourth year student studying Software Engineering at McMaster University. My main interests lie in machine learning and theoretical computer science.
I've previously worked at Purolator building cloud applications (AWS), and at McMaster University exploring package dependencies for HPC.
I am currently looking for full-time employment for summer 2024 grads.

Things I've worked on

DFIC Quant Fund

A team dedicated to the discovery of financial innovation and investment technology
A full stack app to track theoretical stock portfolios. No limits.

Dog Breed Classifier

A deep learning model that can identify the breed of a dog in an image. Supports about 120 breeds.

London Tube Pathfinding

School project that explores practical usage of pathfinding algorithms on the London Tube network.


Front end app for calculating profits and losses of options expiring weekly.


A repository of algorithms which aren't taught in school that I learn about in my free time.

Get in touch

Feel free to contact me, or reach out to me through one of the following: